Author - Umair

Linux Lite 4.0 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Linux Lite team announced the latest version of their operating system Linux Lite 4.0, featuring XFCE desktop environment and features several package updates as well as improvements to the look and contrast of several components: "The main changes in Linux Lite Series 4.x include a new icon and system theme, Timeshift for system backups, Shotwell to manage and perform basic...

Elementary OS 5.0 Juno Beta-2 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Elementary team announced the Beta-2 version of their operating system "Elementary OS 5.0 Juno": "It's that time again: another beta release. Since beta 1, we've fixed over 200 issues and got back up to over 50 apps in AppCenter built specifically for 'Juno'. We fixed a few issues around Gala, the Greeter, HiDPI and related refinements during the beta 2...

Q4OS 3.4-r2 Testing Centaurus Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Q4OS team released the latest version of their operating system 'Q4OS 3.4-r2 Testing' based on Debian, features Trinity desktop and works on low-resource hardware: "This release brings quite significant changes and improvements, the most important one is that Q4OS switched to the Calamares installer. That offers nice new installation features, for example fully encrypt target system, easy disk drive partitioning...

Arch Linux 2018.09 CLI and KDE Plasma Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Arch Linux is a Linux-based operating system for i686 and x86-64 computers. It is composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement. We have installed Arch Linux on Vmware and VirtualBox and providing you virtual images, we are providing you Arch Linux 2018.09.01 CLI(command line interface), you can install desktop environment of your choice or use CLI...

SparkyLinux 5.5 VM Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

SparkyLinux project released the latest version based on Debian's testing branch 'SparkyLinux 5.5' in several desktop editions: "There are new live/install ISO images of SparkyLinux 5.5 Nibiru available to download. Sparky 5 follows a rolling release model and is based on Debian testing Buster. Changes: system updated from Debian Testing repos as of September 17, 2018; Linux kernel 4.18.6 (4.18.8-...

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