
Calculate Linux 18 VM Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Calculate Linux project announced the latest version of their operating system based on Gentoo 'Calculate Linux 18': "We are happy to announce the release of Calculate Linux 18. In this latest version, Calculate Utilities have been ported to Qt 5, your network is managed in a different way, and binary packages get checked using their index signature. Changes: the graphical...

Mageia 6.1 VM Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Donald Stewart has announced the final version of their operating system 'Mageia 6.1'. Mageia is a community distribution which started as a fork of the Mandriva project, but which now operates as an independent distribution. "It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of Mageia 6.1. This release brings all of the updates and development that has gone...

antiX 17.2 VM Images Available For VirtualBox and VMware

antiX Linux team announced the latest of their operating system 'antiX 17.2' based on Debian (Stretch) but without systemd and libsystemd0: "antiX-17.2 (Helen Keller) released. This is primarily a point-release upgrade of antiX-17.1 (Heather Heyer) with a new L1TF/Foreshadow and Meltdown/Spectre patched kernel, various bug fixes, updated translations and some upgraded packages. As usual we offer the following completely systemd-free...

Pinguy OS 18.04.1 VM Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Pinguy developers announced the latest build of their operating system Pinguy OS 18.04.1, based on Ubuntu: "Tweaked Gnome 3.28.2. OpenGL version string: 3.1. Mesa 18.1.1. File Manager: Nemo 3.8.3. Kernel 4.15.0-20. Downgraded the DRI driver for Xorg to DRI2, this fixes RetroArch. Included Winepak's repo so it will be easy to install Window games. Enabled exFAT support. Removed Docky and...

SparkyLinux 4.8.1 VM Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

SparkyLinux project released the latest version based on Debian's testing branch 'SparkyLinux 4.8.1' in several desktop editions: "Sparky 4.8.1 is based on Debian stable line “Stretch” and built around the Openbox window manager. Sparky 4.8 offers a fully featured operating system with a lightweight LXDE desktop environment; and minimal images of MinimalGUI (Openbox) and MinimalCLI (text mode) which lets you...

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