BunsenLabs Lithium 3 VM Images Availble for VirtualBox and VMware

BunsenLabs deuterium desktop

BunsenLabs Lithium 3 VM Images Availble for VirtualBox and VMware

BunsenLabs Linux team released the latest version of BunsenLabs Lithium 3 version. “BunsenLabs Linux is pleased to announce Lithium, the latest release of our Debian stable (currently Buster) derivative. Core components include the Openbox window manager, tint2, a highly configurable panel, and jgmenu, a menu replacement for the Openbox menu, featuring menu auto-updating when new applications are installed and type-to-search for finding apps in the menu.Some major features of BunsenLabs Lithium: New dark default theme, featuring custom-colored Papirus icons; More modularity and flexibility, eg the BL session can coexist with a default Openbox or XFCE session; Openbox can be replaced with another window manager but keep BL’s autostarted apps, menu and keybinds; The BunsenLabs session now uses jgmenu by default, with many new features; New init-agnostic, simplified bl-exit script; Many improvements to BLOB themes manager, and conky and tint2 managers; Improvements to our first-boot ‘Welcome!’ setup script, newly streamlined and now offering Bluetooth support; Some default applications have been changed, and new ones added; Installer now supports Secure Boot; And many other small tweaks, improvements and bug-fixes. Please see the detailed release notes…” You can checkout the release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of BunsenLabs Lithium 3 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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