Arch Linux

Arch Linux 2015 images released for VMware and VirtualBox

Arch Linux is a Linux-based operating system for i686 and x86-64 computers. It is composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement. We have installed Arch Linux on Vmware and VirtualBox and providing you virtual images, 2014 version was only available as CLI (command line interface) but now with 2015 version we installed enlightenment desktop environment, still...

Arch Linux 2014 (32bit) is now available for VMware and VirtualBox

Arch Linux is a Linux-based operating system for i686 and x86-64 computers. It is composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement. We have installed Arch Linux on Vmware and VirtualBox and providing you virtual images, these images only available as CLI (command line interface) we did not install any desktop environment, so you can choose whether to install desktop or...

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