CentOS 7.1-1503 Images Available for Vmware and VirtualBox


CentOS 7.1-1503 Images Available for Vmware and VirtualBox

CentOS team announced the latest update to CentOS 7, a Linux distribution built by compiling the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7: “We would like to announce the general availability of CentOS Linux 7 (1503) for 64-bit x86-compatible machines. This is the second major release for CentOS 7 and is tagged as 1503. This build is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1. This merges in all base, updates, and CR (continuous release) components released in the month of March 2015. If you have been using the CR repositories on your previous CentOS Linux 7 install, you already have all the components used to compose this new release. This release supersedes all previously released content for CentOS Linux 7, and therefore we highly encourage all users to upgrade their machines. Information on different upgrade strategies and how to handle stale content is included in the release notes. For the CentOS-7 build and release process we adopted a very open process. The output of the entire buildsystem is made available, as it is built, at http://buildlogs.centos.org/ -… This release splits the /etc/centos-release from /etc/redhat-release to better indicate the relationship between the two distributions. There are also changes to the /etc/os-release file to incorporate changes needed by the new abrt stack.” You can read release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of CentOS 7.1-1503 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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