Deepin 15.10 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

linux deepin 15

Deepin 15.10 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Linux Deepin team announced the latest build of their operating system “Deepin 15.10” based on Debian, includes many improvements and updated packages: “Compared with deepin 15.9, deepin 15.10 introduces new functions such as files on desktop auto merge, wallpaper slideshow, separate switches for system sound effects, and supports dragging the tray icon out in fashion mode. In addition, many bugs have been fixed and the existing functions optimized. Besides that, deepin 15.10 is newly built and released using Debian stable repository, in this way, system stability and security is greatly improved, bringing users more stable and efficient experiences. The unstable repository will continue to be maintained for the next three months. deepin 15.10 is released in both stable and unstable editions. When the “Auto merge” option is checked in desktop context menu, files on desktop will be automatically grouped into different folders named by Videos, Music, Pictures, Documents, Applications, and Others, keeping your files on desktop in order…” You can read complete release announcement here.
We are providing you virtual images for latest version of Linux Deepin 15.10 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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