KaOS 2015.08 Images Are Available for VMware and VirtualBox


KaOS 2015.08 Images Are Available for VMware and VirtualBox

KaOS team announced the latest version of their operating system KaOS 2015.08 that features latest version of KDE Plasma desktop environment. “KaOS is also approaching a completed switch from Qt 4 to Qt 5 only. This ISO has only one application left that depends on Qt 4, hplip, The repositories have about a dozen left that still need Qt 4. Most notable major updates over the last two months are the Xorg 1.17 stack, Glib2 2.44.2 stack, Qt 5.50, GCC 4.9.3, Linux 4.1.5 and Systemd 224. This ISO KaOS uses the systemd provided systemd-boot for UEFI installs, Gummiboot is depreciated. As for the desktop this ISO brings all the latest of Plasma 5 (Frameworks 5.13.0, Plasma 5.4RC) and KDE Applications 15.07.90. All build on Qt 5.5.0. Plasma-volume-control is now part of the Plasma 5 group, renamed to Plasma-pa (for sound plasmoid). Many more applications are now fully ported to Qt5/Frameworks 5, examples of the recent ports are Megaglest, Tellico, KMahjongg, lmms, smb4k, qmmp, Basket and Lyx.” You can checkout complete release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of KaOS 2015.08 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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