KaOS 2018.08 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware


KaOS 2018.08 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

KaOS Linux team announced the latest version of their operating system ‘KaOS 2018.08’, which focus on KDE software, number of packages updated, features the latest Plasma desktop: “With almost 70 % percent of the packages updated since the last ISO and the last release being over two months old, a new ISO is more than due. No major changes this time to announce, as was with last ISO, just the usual large package movement. News for KDE Applications 18.08 included Dolphin updated context menu and a modernized ‘Settings’ dialog, Gwenview received a major overhaul, KMail has added support for travel data and Spectacle now has a magnifier to help you draw a selection rectangle. As always with this rolling distribution, you will find the very latest packages for the Plasma Desktop, this includes Frameworks 5.49.0, Plasma 5.13.4 and KDE Applications 18.08.0. All built on Qt 5.11.1…” You can read complete release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of KaOS 2018.08 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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