Search Results - Calculate Linux

Calculate Linux 15 VM Images for VMware and VirtualBox

Calculate Linux project announced the latest version of their operating system based on Gentoo 'Calculate Linux 15' which includes KDE 4.14.12, LibreOffice, Chromium 45.0.2454.101, Gimp 2.8.14, Amarok 2.8.0 and reliable: "We are happy to announce the release of Calculate Linux 15. Main changes: a new method for packages updates - better reliability, each mirror stores version history, updates are...

Calculate Linux

Calculate Linux is an optimized distribution designed for rapid deployment based on Gentoo project and includes numerous pre-configured functions. Since it is Gentoo that is well known for its stability and great performance on a broad range of hardware: from Pentium Pro to modern CPUs. Calculate Linux Desktop is a versatile replacement for Windows Workstation and provides an advanced set...


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