Search Results - Bodhi Linux

Bodhi Linux

Bodhi Linux is a lightweight, minimal, enlightened Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that features the Enlightenment window manager. The philosophy for the distribution is to provide a minimal base system so that users can populate it with the software they want. It includes some essential softwares by default are file browsers (EFM), a web browser (Midori), Leafpad, Synaptic and a...

Bodhi 4.1.0 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Bodhi team announced the latest version of their upcoming operating system "Bodhi 4.1.0", an upcoming major release of the Ubuntu-based distribution features Moksha desktop: "Today I am happy to announce the first scheduled update release of the Bodhi Linux 4 branch - Bodhi Linux 4.1.0. This release serves to package up the fixes for a few bugs that slipped through...

Bodhi 4.0.0 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Bodhi team announced the latest version of their upcoming operating system "Bodhi 4.0.0", an upcoming major release of the Ubuntu-based distribution featuring a modified variant of the Enlightenment desktop called Moksha: "Hot on the heels of the Moksha 0.2.1 desktop release, I am happy to announce the stable release of Bodhi 4.0.0. The highlights of this release are: Ubuntu 16.04.1...

Bodhi 4.0.0 Alpha Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Bodhi team announced the latest version of their upcoming operating system "Bodhi 4.0.0 Alpha", an upcoming major release of the Ubuntu-based distribution featuring a modified variant of the Enlightenment desktop called Moksha: "Not only is our first 4.0.0 alpha release here, but it is here relatively on schedule. If all goes according to plan we will have something stamped as...

Bodhi 3.2.0 Images Available for VirtualBox & VMware

Bodhi team announced the latest version of their operating system "Bodhi 3.2.0", this is an update to Bodhi Linux 3.x series and features key kernel and desktop improvements: "This is our last scheduled update release of the Bodhi 3 branch. Existing Bodhi 3 users do not need to re-install to obtain this latest release - they simply need to perform...

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