Search Results - Lubuntu

Ubuntu Flavors Images Available for VMware and VirtualBox

Kubuntu: Canonical announced the latest version of Kubuntu codenamed 15.10 Wily: "Plasma 5, the next generation of KDE's desktop, has been rewritten to make it smoother to use while retaining the familiar setup. The fourth set of updates to Plasma 5 (current release, including the fixpack) is the default in this version of Kubuntu. Kubuntu comes with KDE Applications 15.08 containing...


Peppermint Linux OS is a cloud-centric OS based on Lubuntu, a derivative of the Ubuntu Linux operating system that uses the LXDE desktop environment. It aims to be lightning fast and easy on system resources. Peppermint is an Open Source project and uses all of its funds to provide its operating system and community services freely to the world, for...

Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Images and its all Flavors Available for Vmware and VirtualBox

Ubuntu: Canonical announced the latest version of Ubuntu codenamed 15.04 Vivid: "Ubuntu 15.04 will be supported for 9 months for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin along with all other flavours. systemd has replaced Upstart as the standard boot and service manager on all Ubuntu flavors except Touch. At the time of the 15.04 release there are no...


LXLE is based on Lubuntu which is an Ubuntu OS using the LXDE desktop environment. It is designed to be a drop-in and go OS, primarily for aging computers. Its intention is to be able to install it on any computer and be relatively done after install. At times removing unwanted programs or features is easier than configuring for a...

Run Elementary OS 0.2 Luna on VirtualBox and VMware

Elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. Some of its more interesting features include a new GTK+ and icon theme for GNOME, the Midori web browser, new applications developed in-house (e.g. Dexter, an address book and Postler, an email client), and Nautilus Elementary, a simple file manager. Elementary OS code-named Luna was released, which uses Ubuntu 12.04 LTS as a...

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