Peppermint 10-20190514 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware


Peppermint 10-20190514 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Peppermint OS team announced the latest version of Peppermint 10-20190514: “Peppermint 10 main changes: Linux kernel 4.18 which is now on the rolling HWE-18.04 track so will eventually roll onto the 5.xx kernel automatically as the HWE is updated upstream. Updated X.Org stack, again via the rolling HWE-18.04 track. Proprietary NVIDIA graphics drivers now installed automatically if ‘Install third party drivers/software’ is selected as part of the installation routine, this includes automatic configuration of NVIDIA Optimus setups up to the NVIDIA 390 drivers. If you intend to install the later drivers from the ‘Proprietary GPU Drivers’ PPA, it would probably be best not to select this option during install and add them manually post-install. Ice now has support for isolated profiles for Chromium, Chrome and Vivaldi SSBs (Firefox SSBs are always isolated). New GUI Font DPI Settings utility allowing adjustments to system font DPI (this also fixes a bug where the proprietary nvidia drivers sometimes displayed small fonts on the panel/menu in previous version)…” You can read complete release announcement on the official website.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of Peppermint 10-20190514 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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