Pop!_OS 20.10 Virtual Machine Images Available For VirtualBox and VMware

pop os desktop

Pop!_OS 20.10 Virtual Machine Images Available For VirtualBox and VMware

Pop!_OS project announced the latest of their operating system ‘Pop OS 20.10’: “Pop!_OS 20.10 is the result of fine-tuning features released in version 20.04. Continue on to see what we’ve added! SUPPORT FOR DEB822 REPOSITORY FORMAT: With the new deb822 format, the system sources list is now more compact and easier to understand. FLOATING WINDOW EXCEPTIONS: Some application windows are too small to tile efficiently. After updating, you can now set Floating Window Exceptions, which prevents these windows from tiling. FRACTIONAL SCALING: Set your desktop to your optimal viewing size. Cycle between 125%, 150% and 175% scaling in the Displays menu in Settings until you find the right fit. EXTERNAL MONITOR SUPPORT IN HYBRID GRAPHICS MODE…” You can read complete release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual machine images for latest version ‘Pop!_OS 20.10’ for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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