SparkyLinux 2019.08 and 5.8 and 4.9 Images for VirtualBox and VMware

sparky linux 5 desktop

SparkyLinux 2019.08 and 5.8 and 4.9 Images for VirtualBox and VMware

SparkyLinux project released the latest version ‘SparkyLinux 2019.08’ based on Debian’s testing branch ‘Bullseye’ in several desktop editions: “There are new live/install media of SparkyLinux 2019.08 ‘Po Tolo’ available to download. This is the 1st snapshot of the new (semi-)rolling line, which is based on the testing branch of Debian ‘Bullseye’. Changes: system updated from Debian Testing ‘Bullseye’ repos as of August 1, 2019; added GCC 9 (GCC 8 is still the default one); new Sparky6 theme; new Tela icon set; refreshed desktop look; SDDM instead of LightDM (LXQt edition); Linux kernel 4.19.37 (5.1.21 EOL, 5.2.5 and 5.3-rc2 available at Sparky unstable repos). As I mentioned before, Sparky of the rolling line is available to amd64/x86_64 machines only…” You can checkout complete release announcement here.

SparkyLinux project released ‘SparkyLinux 5.8’ in July 2019, it is based on Debian stable branch: “There are new live/install media of SparkyLinux 5.8 ‘Nibiru’ available to download. This is the first release of the new stable line, which is based on the Debian 10 ‘Buster’. Changes: based on Debian 10 stable Buster now; repositories changed from Testing to Stable; system upgraded from Debian stable Buster repos as of July 14, 2019; Linux kernel 4.19.37-5 (i686 and amd64); Linux kernel 4.19.57-v7+ (ARMHF); the Calamares installer updated up to version 3.2.11; apt-daily.service disabled; sparky-tube installed as default; removed old third-party repositories; added obconf-qt (LXQt edition); nm-tray installed instead of network-manager-gnome (LXQt edition); network-manager added to CLI ARMHF image…” You can checkout complete release announcement here.

SparkyLinux project released ‘SparkyLinux 4.9’ in November 2018, it is based on Debian ‘Stretch’: “New ISO images feature security updates and small improvements, such as: full system upgrade from Debian stable repos as of November 8, 2018; Linux kernel 4.9.110 (PC); Linux kernel 4.14.71 (ARM); added key bindings of configuration of monitor brightness (Openbox); added key bindings of configuration of system sound (Openbox and LXDE); added cron configuration to APTus Upgrade Checker. Added packages: xfce4-power-manager for power management; sparky-libinput for tap to click configuration for touchpads; xfce4-notifyd for desktop notifications; sparky-artwork-nature package features 10 more new nature wallpapers of Poland; added ‘sparky100’ theme pack, which provides a special background to: desktop, Lightdm login manager, GRUB/ISOLINUX boot manager and Plymouth…” You can checkout complete release announcement here.

We are providing you Virtual Machine images for latest version of the SparkyLinux 2019.08 and version 5.8 and version 4.9 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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