Author - Umair

Debian 8.10 Jessie Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Debian project announced the updated version of Debian 8.10 Jessie: "The Debian project is pleased to announce the tenth update of its oldstable distribution Debian 8 (codename "jessie"). This point release mainly adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for serious problems. Security advisories have already been published separately and are referenced where available. Please note that...

Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia Cinnamon and Mate Images for VirtualBox and VMware

Linux Mint project recently announced the final version available in Cinnamon and Mate editions of Linux Mint 18.3 codenamed "Sylvia" based on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS. "Popular software applications such as Spotify, WhatsApp, Skype, Google Earth, Steam or Minecraft are now featured and very easy to install. The user interface looks more modern and its layout is inspired by GNOME Software....

Kali Linux 2018.1 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Kali Linux project released the updated version of their operating system 'Kali Linux 2018.1' based on Debian distribution, this release features an updated kernel and security features: "Kali Linux 2018.1 has a shiny new 4.14.12 kernel. New kernels always have a lot of new features and the 4.14 kernel is no exception, although two new features really stand out. AMD...

Korora 26 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Korora project released the latest version of their operating system "Korora 26" back in December, 2016, which is based on Fedora: "The Korora project is pleased to announce the release of version 26 (code name 'Bloat') which is now available for download. Korora 26 continues the tradition of having code names based on characters from 'Finding Nemo'. Existing Korora users...

KaOS 2018.01 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

KaOS Linux team announced the latest version of their operating system 'KaOS 2018.01', which focus on KDE software, number of packages updated, features the latest Plasma desktop: "It is with great pleasure to present to you a first KaOS ISO for 2018. The policy is, once a first pacman -Syu becomes a major update, it is time for a new...

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