
HandyLinux 2.5 Images Released for VMware and VirtualBox

HandyLinux team announced the latest version of their operatng system 'HandyLinux 2.5': "Update the base to Debian 8.5. Update Firefox to version 47. Setting up a service hosting images. Everything is hosted on servers controlled by HandyLinux to avoid some risky images on other services. Update Thunar custom actions. Update Handysoft by Thuban (mainly bug fixes and better management of...

HandyLinux 2.2 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

HandyLinux team announced the latest version of their operatng system 'HandyLinux 2.2': " This version of HandyLinux is based on new Debian 8.2 Jessie, now it has new HandyMenu v3, Iceweasel v40 with search engine and modules loaded, Gimp with simplified interface, the simple image viewer with Cyclops and screen magnifier has been replaced. and the main thing is 64bit...

HandyLinux 2.0 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

HandyLinux team announced the version 2.0 of HandyLinux in May, 2015. "This version is the first based on Debian Jessie and will be supported as long as the base (minimum 5 years). Handylinux-2.0 returns to its ambitions of accessibility by integrating the Orca screen reader through totophe56 tests. This version also wants more oriented towards beginners with a complete update...

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